rural medical linen uniform service

How HandCraft’s Medical Linen and Uniform Service Helps Rural Healthcare Providers

Rural healthcare providers should have access to the same quality medical linen and uniform service as any other healthcare provider. Healthcare, no matter where it’s practiced, needs the same 

The Importance of Rural Healthcare Medical Linen and Uniform Service Quality 

More than 60 million Americans reside in rural areas. The numbers alone make healthcare in the rural areas essential. The challenges faced by rural communities are unique in many ways. They need solutions and approaches that may not necessarily align with those in urban areas. As such, achieving goals and adapting to the healthcare linen and uniform needs in rural areas require an appreciation both for its unique landscape and unique communities.  

Now more than ever, rural healthcare is put in the spotlight and needs more support. And Handcraft is well-situated to help. 

HandCraft is a Proud Supporter of Rural Healthcare

HandCraft Healthcare Linen and Uniform Specialists believes in the power and importance of rural healthcare providers. Through our professional linen and uniform service, we’ve helped prosper the advocacy on bettering rural healthcare services:  

We Help Healthcare Facilities with Linen and Uniform Care Compliance

Complying with standards on healthcare textiles is one of the most challenging parts of facility management for healthcare facilities. It’s the one thing HandCraft Linen does best. With our expertise, experience, and high-end facilities, we make sure our clients meet these standards without adding additional burden.

We Protect Patients and Employees with Our Hygienically Clean Linens and Garments

Linen and garment contamination is a rare but all-too-real threat against rural health care providers and patients. Nosocomial infections are still on the rise and reinforced protection against these threats is necessary. That is why we maintain the highest standards in our handling and laundry procedures. That is why we stand committed to our Hygienically Clean Healthcare badge and standards. We make our clients’ safety goals our own – and we make sure to achieve them excellently!

We Go Beyond Linen Care

Our support for rural healthcare providers expands towards facility care as well. We understand that safety comes from comprehensive care. That’s why we apply the same expert maintenance care for our mop and mat rental service. Under the same stringent hygiene standards, we help healthcare facilities achieve safer results with less effort and lower costs.

Contact HandCraft Today!

For this year’s National Rural Health Day, we continue to celebrate our tireless rural healthcare workers. Thank you for your service! For more information on our healthcare linen, uniform, and facility services, contact Handcraft today at (888) 358-8671.