medical linen tracking

How Medical Linen Tracking Improves Business

What makes good linen services? At HandCraft Services, we’ve discovered that excellent laundry services and high-quality products aren’t enough. Great service is one that comes with outstanding customer support – one that leaves you with nothing to worry about.

Our web-based linen tracking tool is one of the cornerstones of our customer service delivery. It’s designed to give you a complete sense of control and security over your linen care and management without the hassle.

When your linens are essential to your daily operations – not to mention, take up a huge chunk of your overhead expenses – you want to know everything about them. And our tracking tool is an accessible way to get that, and more. With this handy, customer-centric tool you can expect:

Medical Linen Tracking Improves Efficiency 

Inventory management is easily one of the biggest sources of frustration in any facility that relies on linens. And this is where our web-based linen tracking system proves to be the extra helping hand it was cut out to be. Our tracking system saves you the time and effort of managing your linen usage, replacements, deliveries, and repairs. With a few simple clicks, you get access to everything that you need to know about your linens – from their status, your usage trends and predictions, the costs, every procedure they have undergone, etc. These statistics are reflected in one simple user-interface. That’s hours-worth of work cut down to a couple of minutes.

Medical Linen Tracking Increases Accuracy

Cost remains the biggest deciding factor in linen management. Thousands of dollars get lost every year to poor, inaccurate data in linen management, especially for those working with third-party linen service providers. Our web-based linen tracking program gives you correct, unmanipulated, automated data concerning your linens and all this information gets recorded and tracked by a machine with zero errors. The RFID trackers make sure of that, and reflect that on the readily-available data that you receive and interpret for your decision-making needs.


With more access to accurate data via our web-based linen tracking tool, you can make better decisions regarding your costs. Linens can eat up a huge chunk of the overhead expenses in a company and having a tighter grip on your usage data – the accurate kind that we offer here at HandCraft Services – also gives you a tighter, more controlled grip on your cash outflow.

Protection Against Linen Loss 

Every year, medical facilities lose $840 million to linen loss. While a majority of this comes from mishandling soiled linens, a huge portion of these costs come from linens that get misplaced between the healthcare and laundry facilities. With the web-tracking tool, you get detailed information on the whereabouts of your linens, thus completely eliminating any gaps in your records. You’ll know exactly when bed linen number 35 went inside the laundry facility, or when Employee #799’s shirts and pants were replaced. No guessing games. No misinformation. Every blank space is filled in correctly.

Experience the Difference Today!

All these benefits are yours for the taking. Contact HandCraft Services today to learn more about services, products, and the many other ways we can help improve your business! Call us at (888) 358-8671.