Entries by HandCraft

Is Your Laundry Hygienically Clean Certified?

Are you working with a Hygienically Clean linen service facility for your healthcare business? If not, it might be high time you do! TRSA-certified Hygienically Clean service providers can guarantee you hygienic linens, based on some of the highest standards in the industry.

How to Deal with Anxious Patients

Anxiety is a growing problem in the population at large. In high-stress or uncomfortable situations, like those patients commonly experience during treatment, anxiety can intensify and disrupt processes. Between 11% and 80% of adults suffer from anxiety, and doubtlessly they are patients you see every day.

How to Prepare Your Hospital for Winter

Winter is coming, and it’s important to be ready. As a leader at your hospital, you’re responsible for the health and safety of your patients and staff. And, unfortunately, cold weather, ice and snow mean more potential health hazards for you to deal with.

HandCraft Cleans up Richmond

HandCraft Services got its start — and made its name — as a dry cleaner in Richmond more than 50 years ago. But these days, the company’s big business is handling the medical industry’s laundry.